God Bless Them Pork and Beans
You can talk about near escapes
and dangers you have seen,
but I'll tell you how my life was spared
by a can of pork and beans.
I do not like their flavor
that is one sure bet,
but beans once saved my bacon,
that's why I'm livin' yet.
One day in middle summer
when the sky was clear and blue,
I was going across the mountains
to a fishing hole I knew.
I didn't take no grub along,
I thought I'd travel light,
and if I didn't catch no fish,
I wouldn't eat a bite.
I was rigging up my fishing gear
and there behind my back
the old lady grabbed a can of beans
and threw them in the pack.
And after many weary miles
before the close of day,
at last I saw that fishing hole
a hundred yards away.
I was awful hungry
but I didn't give a damn,
I could almost smell them fishes
sizzlin' in the pan.
Them fish just wasn't hungry
though I tried with all my might,
with every fly and lure I had
but still they wouldn't bite.
At last I threw my fish pole down
and crawled behind a tree,
and there I fought mosquitoes
until the break of day.
I thought I'd take another look
for a lure that I'd passed by,
and there that can of pork and beans
looked me in the eye.
I soon had opened that can of beans
and sat upon the ground,
and like a hungry wolverine,
I gulped the whole works down.
Oh, I flipped them flies out neatly
but every cast did fail,
then like an old whipped hound dog,
I headed up the trail.
I didn't think that anything
could ever look so mean.
There stood the biggest grizzly bear
that I had ever seen.
I remembered the old times
and what my pappy said.
If you ever meet a grizzly bear,
just make believe you're dead.
I flopped myself upon the ground
and quietly I lay,
but I knew that gol darn can of beans
would soon give me away.
My stomach was a hurtin'
but I didn't dare complain,
so I rolled over on my back
to try and ease the pain.
That's when them beans exploded,
it even shook the trees.
That bear rose up on his hind legs
and slowly sniffed the breeze.
He had a pained expression
as his nose he twirled around
which really gave me courage
as I lay upon the ground.
Then came the next explosion,
there was an awful din.
With a little help on my part
them beans went off again.
That bear got down upon all fours
with a look as if to say
"When I see anything that smells that bad,
I'll go the other way!"
So keep the bean pot boiling
and cook them till they're done.
I do not like to eat them
but God bless them every one!
(c) 1970 Bill Kelch
originally published in 'Come Laugh With Me' by Everett Kelch